Current affiliation
I am about to start a position at Flinders University, so my profile in that university page will be here soon!
My staff profile at Macquarie University, where I hold an honorary lectureship;
My staff profile at The University of Western Australia, where I hold an adjunct position;
Past affiliations
I did my honours project (undergraduate thesis) and my MSc degree under the supervision of Prof Glauco Machado, the head of the G-spot lab at the University of São Paulo;
During 2005 and 2006, I spent two months visiting Prof Alejandro Córdoba-Aguilar, the head of the Laboratory of Arthropod Behavioral Ecology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico;
Winthrop Prof Leigh W Simmons (UWA)
Prof Joseph L Tomkins (UWA)
Winthrop Prof J Dale Roberts (UWA)
Dr Carly Wilson (UWA)
Dr Renée C. Firman (UWA)
Dr Huon L. Clark (UWA)
Kyana Pike (James Cook Univeristy)
Dr Gustavo S Requena (University of São Paulo)
Prof Glauco Machado (University of São Paulo)
Prof Adalberto J Santos (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Prof Paulo R Guimarães Jr (University of São Paulo)
Prof Marco A R Mello (University of São Paulo)
Prof Rodrigo L Ferreira (Federal University of Lavras)
Prof Adriano B Kury (National Museum of Rio de Janeiro)
Prof Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha (University of São Paulo)
Dr Daniel de Paiva Silva (Instituto Federal Goiano)
Solimary García Hernández (PhD candidate - University of São Paulo)
Dr Danilo G Muniz (University of São Paulo)
Prof Bruno Vilela (Federal University of Bahia)
Prof Janne S Kotiaho (University of Jyväskylä)
Dr Mathieu Buoro (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour)
Prof Rogelio Macías-Ordóñez (Ecology Institute)
Dr Roberto Munguía-Steyer (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Prof Alejandro Córdoba-Aguilar (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Prof Jorge Contreras-Garduño (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Prof Clifford Qualls (University of New Mexico)
Prof Wade N Hazel (DePauw University)
Dr Daniel S Caetano (University of Arkansas)
Dr Erin L. McCullough (Syracuse University)
Prof Armin P. Moczek (Indiana University)
Prof Joaquín Hortal (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid)
Costa Rica
Prof William G. Eberhard (STRI and Universidad de Costa Rica)
Dr Eduardo G Martins (BC Hydro)