Move to Macquarie University!
I am extremely happy to announce that I just moved to Sydney to take a lecturer position at Macquarie University! I really wanted to announce this here and in social media a bit earlier, but the last few weeks have been so busy with the move that I am only 'pausing' to breathe and do 'less urgent' stuff now... After a long drive across the country (done in 9 days!), I am in Sydney for just over a week now, and currently in my second week here at Macquarie Uni. The place is amazing and the people fantastic, so I am sure this will be a great personal and professional experience. Macquarie Uni is beautiful and has an amazing infra structure, and Sydney is incredibly green (and hilly when compared to Perth!).
I already dearly miss Perth and all the amazing friends I have on the west side of the country, where I had the honour and pleasure to be part of the Centre for Evolutionary Biology at UWA for almost 9 years! But who knows, maybe I'll be back one day — my contract at MQ goes till mid-2019, so I'll be back to the job market after that. For now I hope I can make the most of this amazing opportunity here at Macquarie. By the way, I think there will be plenty of scuba diving, rock climbing, hiking, kiting, sailing, and kayaking to do around here as well ;)
Post date: Feb 12, 2018 6:7:18 AM